Merlin Puppet Theatre
Monday 8th - Tuesday 9th April 2019
10am - 5pm daily
Ages 18+ / adults
An approach to all three basic elements that contribute to making a complete visual universe - Object, Universe and Life. OBJECT - puppet, mask, shadows; UNIVERSE - scenography, light and sound; LIFE - how these elements become animate. An exploratory laboratory, which examines through analysis, practice and experimentations, how a harmonious puppetry performance is created. Through improvisations and research on stage individually and in groups, participants will work on how to develop and realise an idea, all the way from scratch to the final desirable result. See here for Merlin Puppet Theatre's show at the festival, "Noone's Land".

Puppet Schiool TV

Join puppetologists Will and ZB as they bravely carry out their mission of repopulating the puppetsphere! Learn puppet making and performance skills along the way as you help Will and ZB navigate trouble-making puppets hidden in the depths of Workshop 74...just make sure to watch out for the pesky Bin Hand!
Episode 1: The Sponge People from Galtraxia 4
Episode 2: The Ball Head Visitors
Episode 3: The Runner Glove Escapade
Episode 4: The Cloth Joint People
Episode 5: A Hungry Hand Puppet
Episode 6: The Margore
All episodes have been professionally subtitled – just click the icon in the bottom right of the videos.