Merlin Puppet Theatre
Monday 8th - Tuesday 9th April 2019
10am - 5pm daily
Ages 18+ / adults
An approach to all three basic elements that contribute to making a complete visual universe - Object, Universe and Life. OBJECT - puppet, mask, shadows; UNIVERSE - scenography, light and sound; LIFE - how these elements become animate. An exploratory laboratory, which examines through analysis, practice and experimentations, how a harmonious puppetry performance is created. Through improvisations and research on stage individually and in groups, participants will work on how to develop and realise an idea, all the way from scratch to the final desirable result. See here for Merlin Puppet Theatre's show at the festival, "Noone's Land".

The Heart of Story: Crafting Narrative for Puppet Theatre Course
William Steele
10am-5pm daily. What is the heart of your story? The art of satisfying dramatic story telling is often related to structure. This happens because THAT happened. Characters change and develop and as they learn we the audience learn with them.
Most stories have a 'message' or 'subtext' within them through which the plot flows and the characters change. Finding this subtext or 'heart' of your story can be the crucial jigsaw piece in which your plot and decision making revolves. Puppetry can often be less wordy than other forms of theatre, or sometimes even completely non verbal. So how do we convey all the above without long lengthy monologues?!
In this workshop you will learn how to quickly adapt existing stories as well as build new narrative structures. You will also start to plot the beginning of your very own piece of puppet theatre around a subtext meaningful to you and produce preliminary designs for your concept ready to take away and continue developing with confidence!
William Steele is a puppeteer, facilitator and producer who trained at Northumbria University in Drama and Scriptwriting. He then went on to study improvisation at the Danish School of Improvisation and is also a 2018 graduate of the Curious School of Puppetry. William is the creative director of Life and Limb Puppets, which produces touring puppet theatre such as 'Dragon', alongside applied puppetry workshops such as the 'Curious Beasts' schools programme.
Mon 21st April, 10:00am
Tue 22nd April, 10:00am
Great North Museum: Hancock
Great North Museum: Hancock, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
420 mins
Ages 16+ / adults
Great North Museum: Hancock

£120 (includes both days and materials)